> Strings or Piano Players
- Violin, Viola, Cello
- Double Bass (once minimum is reached)
- Piano
> Age 13 to Graduate-level
- Our youngest student may be starting 7th grade in the fall
- Our oldest student may be pursuing undergraduate studies
> An ideal RMSC student
- Has made music a significant factor in their life
- Practices their instrument 2-3 hours per day
- Often holds a leadership position in an area youth orchestra
- Has participated successfully in a variety of strings competitions
- Has appeared as soloist with school, amateur or professional orchestras
> $5,595 for 4 weeks (best value!)
> $2,995 for 2 weeks
> How to Apply
- Online Application
- Audition Recording (uploaded on the application)
- Teacher Recommendation Letter (waived for returning students)
- Non-refundable Application Fee of $75
- Receive an Early Bird Discount of $500 if applied by March 1
- Application deadline March 15 (late applications if space available)
> Important Dates
- April 15. Acceptance notification
- May 1. Decision Deadline. A $500 deposit towards tuition to secure placement is due.
- June 1. Final Tuition and Forms is due
- Payments made via Visa/Mastercard, PayPal accepted.
- Checks may be mailed to off-season address at:
Rocky Mountain Summer Conservatory
5149 Decatur Street
Omaha, NE 68104
Student agrees to adhere to all organization policies and code of conduct. Parent/Guardian and Student understand any infraction of the code of conduct may result in immediate dismissal from the Conservatory without the refund of fees.